Click the button below now to donate any amount to Henry.
Every cent we receive will go to him!
Thanks, Dan
Or ... you can go to Rainbow Healing Center, (which is Okka Holthuis' Site, she is an All-Stars director)
and she will make certain that every cent received gets to Henry. Thank you for your generous donation!
Click here to donate to Henry through Okka's site
Here are some items donated to benefit Henry.
The big deal is that we aren't setting any specific prices, You can donate more than suggested that's Okay, in fact, it's the point. So for now, Email and make a deal, then donate on the link above and Dan will send the item.
Donated by Georgina Cannon Director, Ontario Hypnosis Centre
Suggested retail $19.95 + shipping
Return: Past Life Regression and You by Georgina Cannon
Coming out of the groundbreaking CBC series on Past Life Regression. This book was written by the one person the CBC came to as the authority on Past Life Regression in Canada, and shares the power and excitement of Past Life Regression with you!
Check out to read a sample chapter and find out more.
Available soon.
Donated by Georgina Cannon Director, Ontario Hypnosis Centre
Suggested retail: $22.50 + shipping
Akashic Records
Why am I here? Do I have a soul mate? Why am I so sad all the time?
Use the power of hypnosis to find your soul purpose, your soul name, and maybe your soul mate. Take a journey to the center of your being. You will be protected by white light and should you wish it, your guides will accompany you to uncover and discover the essence of who you are today, in this lifetime. By relaxing and allowing this journey, your inner self and deep inner wisdom, will become more available to you each and every day. It's a renewal of self at all levels.
BOYD Collectable Art-Glass
Suggested donation for any of these pieces is $20.00 + shipping
Aluminum Slimline Briefcase Great for notebook computers this case is TOUGH! The shipping in the U.S. is about $12.00 and the case would retail at $50 - $75 Make a generous offer and get a fantastic item while helping Henry!
Original art prints by John Williams
Here are some snaps of Henry, Joan and some friends.
If you have pictures of Henry and friends from his classes or would like to post a 'What Henry means to me...' message click here.