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July 9, 2007
Generative Hypnosis
Tools for the Emerging Self
Generative Hypnosis presupposes that who we are at core is magnificent and that we are in a continual process of evolving. As opposed to remedial hypnosis, generative hypnosis isn’t about fixing anything … it’s about inviting an emergence of your client’s evolving self. This presentation will explore the approach in which the hypnotist isn’t trying to put ideas into a client’s head as much as to evoke the change process from the client. Generative hypnosis opens up a whole new opportunity for hypnotic work with individuals who are seeking expansion and personal growth.
Michael Watson is an internationally known hypnosis educator and NLP trainer with over 25 years of experience in the field. He is the president of the Hypnosis Education Association. A former Benedictine monk, his work is characterized by a deep respect for the innate wisdom of his clients and dedicated to bringing out the best within them.
Contact Michael:
Phoenix Services for Personal Development, 726 Vassar St, Orlando, FL 32804
Phone 407-481-0802 or Click here
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