"This class was a revelation... each session contained ideas that had a immediate impact on the way that I practice. I remember coming away from just the second class saying to myself that it had made the entire price of admission worthwhile. Certainly there were techniques, but this is more about learning what this thing we loosely call hypnosis is all about. Going back over my notes, I find that I'm still learning from the class, and I can recognize that it's likely that the learning process will continue for a long time to come." Robert A.
"Learning from Dan is a hypnotizing experience. He demands practice in real life situations, and moves you quickly past theory into what do you do when the client says “this”. His “wax on”, wax off” teaching style finds you participating to gain understanding. It is experiential, and never, ever, boring. I recommend you take his next class so you can add Pain Relief to your toolbox." Alan B.
"Dear Dan: Thank you for sharing your amazing talent in giving us another hypnosis tool. We will all be more aware when out and about. We will apply the lessons in our everyday observations and communications. To my classmates thanks for sharing your stories with me." Nancy H.
"I can tell you that your last teleclass's were great, really opened up my eyes and heart on how to best help my clients."
Scott C.
"Dan, I loved the classes. Last night I think I spent more time in trance during the call than in a wide awake state. Very interesting. There was actually about 40 minutes of the call that I have no conscious recollection of what was said. I do remember at one point snapping up out of it and realizing "hey I'm in trance." The trance came on quite slowly, so I didn't notice it happen."
"Dan Cleary is one of the clearest and most talented hypnosis instructors that I have studied under. I have attended three seminars on Hypnosis and Pain and Dan's Targeting Pain workshop is best in class."
Will W.
"Damn you’re good! I love your classes.
I came up with a name for your technique of getting people into hypno without them really knowing it. It’s called: The Dan Cleary Slide.
Even if you put out a notice you were teaching knitting by teleconference, I would sign up."
Judy C.
"You inspire me. and I think you can imagine how rare and important that is to me."
Thanks again.
Melissa T.
"Dan does more than just teaching you how to help your clients deal with symptoms. He shows you how you can help your clients get their lives back."
Gene M.
“Dan Cleary masterfully makes the complex mental, emotional and physical concerns of addressing pain relief easy to read, follow, and understand. This is the most complete guide to pain relief I have encountered. It is filled with practical examples, elegant, yet simple language and offers a variety of techniques which bring immediate results.”
Anna Spencer, PhD, founder: International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®
“Dan Cleary has done an amazing job. He has made it easy to help people manage their pain in many different ways.”
Melissa Tiers, Hypnosis Instructor, NY, N.Y.