Kathy Perlow |
| Monday, February 14, 2011 9:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern time
Call-in: 213-289-0500 Password - 25578277 (ALLSTARS)
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If you want to build a network of support within your neighborhood or community, Time Banking can help you do exactly that. Instead of paying professionals to look after your children, care for your aging parents, and do the work that family and neighbors used to do for one another, the members of your Time Bank can do those things for each other. Time Banking creates connections through sharing skills.
At first glance, it seems crazy that someone is paid the same for web design and pulling weeds, but this turns out to be the core of what makes Time Dollars really work. In the “Yin” or “caring economy” everyone’s time is valued equally – just like it is inside a family. You wouldn't ask your cousin to give you two hours of dog walking for every hour you spend fixing his computer. Putting a price on people's time separates us by making some people more valuable than others. Time Dollars excel in building relationships because they place an equal value on everyone’s time.
Most Time Banks start off with Neighbor-to-Neighbor Exchanges. Once you get going, you can tailor the exchanges of your Time Bank to suit the more specific needs of your community or the types of populations your agency or volunteer organization is working with.
Join the All-Stars Team as together with Kathy Perlow, we explore this unique approach to connecting within your community. You may wonder how trading your time will benefit your practice and yet, if there are open hours in your schedule you may find greater fulfillment in making these connections and getting your name into the community awareness.