Dr. Rayma Ditson-Sommer has a lengthy background in psychology, specialized education, early childhood development and education, neuropsychology, music therapy and research. She holds degrees from Columbia University, New York City; Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas; and Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, with year-long internships at Southwestern Medical School, Menninger Clinic, and Topeka State Hospital. Dr. Ditson-Sommer has help professorships at the University of Wisconsin, Texas Woman’s University, and Viterbo College, with Consultantships at Arizona State University, the University of Arizona, and Southern Methodist University.
Dr. Ditson-Sommer is presently immersed in research and development of biofeedin neurotechnical methods and learning. She has developed innovative approaches to learning and attention deficits using bilateral hemispheric training through light and sound techniques. She is the developer of the Maximal Learning System for accelerated learning, and is the author of the Maximal Learning CD Series for whole brain learning. Dr. Ditson-Sommer is involved in sports psychology and training and helped train Garry Hall, Jr., Gold Medal USA Olympian in the 1996, 2000, and 2004 games.
Dr. Ditson-Sommer is an internationally known speaker, developmental consultant, and lecturer in the field of biofeedback, biofeedin, and overall learning. She has conducted seminars throughout the world related to accelerated learning, sports participation enhancement, attention deficit difficulties, closed head injury, autism, and dyslexia.
Dr. Ditson-Sommer is the C.E.O. of OPNET Inc., partner in International SportsLink LLC., part-developer of the PLI light and sound instrument, the Aqua Champ sports training light and sound instrument, and developer and designer of the SportsLink Focus Trainer, and a program consultant to many other developers of light and sound equipment. She is in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona.