Jeff Cohen |
Monday, August 8, 2011 9:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern time
Past Life Spiritual Regression Jeff Cohen
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Gain insight and understanding through this informal discussion on how healing the past, can have a life altering effect on the life you are living today. The discussion will cover the power of being regressed back first to the womb as clients begin to explore their life purpose and begin to get a glimpse at why they chose to be here.
This is just a stepping stone on the way to another time, another place, and another you, that has some connection and relevance to the life you are living today.
1. Learn to recognize therapeutic opportunities and appropriate interventions
2. Learn induction and deepening techniques required for regression therapy
3. Explore sacred contracts, promises and agreements
4. Anchor positive memories
5. Bring back skills and talents from the past
Jeffrey H. Cohen, BS, M.Ht., BCH, has a degree in psychology and certifications in Life-Between-Life Spiritual Regression, NLP, Reconnective Healing and Past Life Regression. Jeff is a certified instructor with IACT and is the president and co-founder of The New York Hypnosis Center with offices in Bayside Queens and Manhattan. Jeff's background blends both business and the healing arts bringing a wealth of practical experience to the profession.