Henry Bolduc |
Tree of Life |
To go to Henry's Website and
access his Free books,
simply tickle his cheek with your mouse!
All-Stars July, 2012 call |
Recalling Our Friend Henry
This program is a tribute to Henry Leo Bolduc, his work and influence in Hypnosis and Past Life Research of over forty years and a celebration of the lives he touched. We will be sharng short stories or anecdotes of our encounters with the gentle soul we knew as Henry. While this description may seem short, the subject is huge.
Not unlike Henry!
Here is a PDF of some of the comments people have made.
Henry wrote his own obituary on August 8, 1991 |
19 years, 11 months and 1 day early |
We didn't need to make this up... Henry already had!
"Henry Leo Bolduc died yesterday at age 63 (he was actually 64 when he died) at his home.
He is survived by his wife, Joan and his children (and grandchildren).
Henry was widely known for his pioneering work in hypnosis and past-life regression.
An avid traveler, he was busily filling his seventh passport.
'Travel, he often said, is good for the soul, and is perhaps the best teacher anyone could have.'
Henry Bolduc has been a resident of Grayson County for three decades.
Although best known for his books, tapes, research, workshops, (and trainings),
he never aspired to fame, but preferred to teach others to reach THEIR highest potential."
Henry dedicated almost 50 years of his life to past-life regression research.
In one of the many journals he kept, he mentioned a quote that would be on his tomb stone-
"His soul simply outgrew his body."
What more could be said?
On July 9, 2011,
“Henry’s soul simply outgrew his body.”
July, 2011 by Dan Cleary
Henry Leo Bolduc was a pioneer in Past Life Exploration and perhaps the most genuine and gentle person I have ever met.
In speaking of the transitions from life to life, he often referred to 'The Blue Mist' and with that in mind, let us consider that Henry passed through the mist again on Saturday, July 9, 2011, in the comfort of his home.
In the context of his work and teachings, we can only celebrate the beginning of his new adventure. Sadness in his passing is about the things we will miss without him here in the form we knew so well. Yet, he remains with us in the influence and teaching we have shared: his kindness and generosity will always be benchmarks for me and those of you who know Henry, understand this.
As many of you know, Henry had a severe (almost sever!) encounter with a chain saw a few years back. What you may not know is that at that time he had been diagnosed with colon cancer and the accident actually delayed scheduled colon surgery. In recent times he was required to begin dialysis. He really didn't like having to do the dialysis and yet he described even that in terms that we laughed about as he said something to the effect; I know I'm not supposed to say...
His energy and quality of life was waning, so on Saturday, Henry left the building.
Henry is survived by his wife Joanie, his son and uncounted numbers of friends who have been blessed to know him.
Henry insisted in life that there be no big memorial service. Please honor Henry and celebrate his life by expressing kindness and living with joy.
Henry Leo Bolduc has left the building...
Saturday July 9, 2011
In lieu of flowers, please express kindness.
HELPING HANDS FOR HENRY began with the Transformation-All-Stars Team to help out in the aftermath of Henry's tango with a chainsaw. This is not a charity or a tax shelter, it is people helping people.
We were so amazed with the response that after the crisis had passed or at least THAT ONE, the All-Stars began to notice others in need and where we could, helped out.
The name of this project is simply HELPING HANDS, yet is based upon the UNCONDITIONAL generosity expressed by Henry and the reponse of others to assist him
HELPING HANDS will remain dedicated in the memory of Henry Leo Bolduc.
Sometimes a small gift or sponsorship for a training, or just a get well card, can make a big difference to an individual.
If you know someone who could benefit or if you can offer goods or services or suggestions to assist, please let us know.
To participate in the
Helping Hands project,
click the link below and put
in the subject line.
There are people we meet in the mystery of life who have a certain impact or influence upon everything we do from that moment forward. They seem to possess some quality which appeals and harmonizes, often in very subtle ways. One such person that I have the great pleasure of calling a friend is Henry Leo Bolduc. Those of you who know Henry, will understand what I mean without further comment, so I guess describing Henry here is for others who would like to know more.
Perhaps, I should start with the fact that Henry has been involved in Past-Life research for over forty years and has been sharing his insights and experiences since the beginning. If you are interested in Past-Life research, you may have already attended a class or read a book by Henry. If you have taken other trainings, it is likely that your instructor has been influenced by Henry's work.
Henry has a quality of being that always enlightens everything and everyone around him. All memories of him include a smile and a generosity of character that is almost scary: are there really people like that? His trainings are always amazing and strangely affordable. Henry is generous to a fault: his books are on his website, available for download. FREE. Public domain. A gift. Here is the link: http://henrybolduc.com/ It's free. Books, articles. Free.
Henry and his wife Joanie, live in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, near a crossroads called Wytheville. They live out in the backside of nowhere and that is where Henry was on March 5th, when there was a terrible accident. Henry was home alone and out on the property cutting fire wood with a chain saw. There was a slip, a misstep and the saw came down on Henry's left arm, just above the wrist, nearly severing his hand from his arm. The chain cut through skin, muscles, bone and tissue.
Here is part of an early note from Joanie:
"Henry was cutting a branch with a chain saw while standing on the 4-wheeler, on the side of the hill above the barn when it happened. He slipped and knocked himself out for a while. He has a couple of gashes on the back of his head where they had to put several stitches. Somehow he came to and put his belt on the arm to slow down the bleeding. He was able to make it to the barn just as Jack (Joanie's son) arrived and Henry called out for Jack to call 911. The only thing holding the hand on was one nerve (the one that controls the thumb and the two fingers next to the thumb). It was pretty much "hanging by a thread!"
Jack arrived at 5 and we think the accident happened between 3 and 3:30. By the time I got home from work at 5:30, the yard was full of vehicles and they had Henry in the ambulance waiting for the helicopter. He was airlifted to Baptist hospital where they gave him blood and did a CAT scan of his head and then he was in surgery from 8:30 pm until 4 am...
...We saw the doc in Winston the other day and he said it looks real good. The arm has a couple of metal bars on the outside holding the hand to the arm. Kinda looks like an erector set- or Frankenstein!
Henry is doing physical therapy exercises at home, and the doctor said, if he is good about doing the therapy, and everything goes well, he should have around 80% usage of his hand. It's too early to really know yet. He is scheduled for surgery to remove the external rods on May 5th."
So Henry is out of immediate danger and the prospects are hopeful for recovery, although the extent of the functional return is as yet, unknown. Healing of the wounds is progressing. He will need extensive rehabilitation and medical attention over the next several months at least. It is uncertain where he will have to go for rehab, but where he lives is at least an hour and a half from any large city.
Henry has no medical insurance.
As Michael Ellner puts it: "Folks-- people who feel better, heal faster and more effectively. From a wholistic perspective, we want to be sure that Henry doesn't have to worry about being able to afford the necessary gas for driving to and from his extended rehab and continued medical care. If we work together we can help offset the enormous financial stress Henry is facing sans insurance --"
So here is where we come together to assist a person who has given so much, to so many, for so long. The Transformation-All-Stars Team, is spearheading a - HELPING HANDS FOR HENRY - program and we need your participation to be successful. We are joined in this effort by the sister organizations: the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. We are also joined by the Hypnosis Education Association, the International Hypnosis Federation, and the National Guild of Hypnotists.
We can use immediate donations of any amount: if you can afford five dollars or five hundred, please send it today. The All-Stars Team will also sponsor a special teleconference which will be available for free with the suggestion of a donation. (probably in late June, join the All-Stars Yahoo! group to be notified in advance: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Transformationallstars/ )
We are also collecting donations in the form of products and books from the many of the top practitioners in hypnosis and related fields, which can be sold/raffled at the hypnosis conferences this summer and are interested in your ideas of additional ways to help. If your organization or community group would like to join us in this endeavor or if you would like to share a memory or insight of Henry's influence in your life, please contact: dancleary@juno.com and put 'HENRY' in the subject line. Even a simple greeting card will help to bring a bit of sunshine.
EVERY CENT will go directly to Henry. Start the flow today, send whatever you can, either to: HELPING HANDS FOR HENRY c/o Dan Cleary, P.O. Box 14784, North Palm Beach, FL 33408, or directly to Henry Bolduc at: P.O. Box 88, Independence, VA 24348. Checks should be made to: Joan Bolduc.
Just added!! -- Donate by PayPal and receive products that have been donated on the 'Products for Henry' page at the top of this message.
Please respect Henry's privacy and understand that individual responses to gifts and cards may not be possible.
Phone calls can be avoided altogether so Henry can focus his energy for healing.
With this in mind, please take a moment now to send Henry prayers or energy for healing.
May 29, 2008 This is supposed to be an update on the progress of the healing and rehabilitation of Henry Bolduc, who was severely injured in an unfortunate encounter with a chain saw. As far as I know, the chain saw is fine and I'll get to Henry in a moment. The Helping Hands for Henry project has always had a life of its own and that may be the key to the ensuing events. I have put off starting this update several times, as when I would sit to begin, I have been simply awed by your response to assist a dear friend and stunned to discover benefits I never considered. Words seem inadequate. With each contribution, I see the kindness and concern of the individual, not in the dollar amount, rather in the eyes, a catch in the voice or the simple words of an Email. Wonderful people, many of whom don't even know Henry, have stepped forward to do what they can, simply because it's a good thing to do. In so doing they step into a circle of love that is the heart of this community. Five dollars here, ten there, donations that treble the value of the gifts we have available; also donations to Henry. A check for a thousand dollars came with a one-line, `Get well' message. Each year at the IMDHA/IACT conference, there is a fifty-fifty raffle and the organizations let it be known in advance that they would donate the house portion of the proceeds to Henry, (A huge thanks to Bob and Linda Otto: it was their first idea of many, when I called a couple of weeks before the conference and told them about Henry.) A fifty-fifty raffle works like this: tickets are sold and whatever the dollar amount collected, the winner gets half: in this case it was over six hundred dollars. After the winning ticket number was announced, the winner took a while to read and reread the numbers as he realized that his, was the winning ticket! The winner stepped forward and always the comedian, Bob Otto told him "Nope, wrong number." then laughing, handed him a fat wad of bills. The winner held the money over his head and said: "This is for Henry!" There was a heartbeat of silence that still chills me to this day. Then the applause. I know that each of us would probably like to think we would have done the same thing, just because... and perhaps we would have. Jeff Cohn did. Wherever you are as you read this, whatever is happening in your world, take a moment to thank Jeff and all the others who have given so freely, for reminding each of us that we can make a difference in the world today. The Transformation-All-Stars team: sponsors of the Helping Hands project, have as our motto: You are the Stars, Together as a Team, We Shine! Thanks to all the Stars who have passed the word and the hat. Thanks to you, for reaching out to give a hand and may you notice as your hand returns, that it has touched the soul of our community: a change has taken place. Okay, on to Henry and his incredible, healing condition. Firstly, for those who are just tuning in, Henry slipped and fell, nearly severing his left hand with a chain saw. The nerves to the thumb were all that held the hand on. He was out in the woods behind his home and naturally, as in any good story: he was alone. Well, he managed to get to the house, there was a helicopter, hours of micro-surgery, transfusions and metal screws were stuck through the skin to hold the bones to an external metal rod, while they mended. Henry lives and breathes, he is healing and he is facing months of intense physical therapy, the pain and frustration that comes with it... without medical insurance. This is in addition to other health challenges that he was already dealing with. In a note he sent, Henry was telling of the day the doctors removed the metal screws from his arm and he said, "Everybody tells me how good my hand looks and I just wonder how a `Nearly Severed Hand' can look good." We shared a laugh at the irony. Henry also said in conversation, that he felt as though he couldn't do anything; he felt almost useless. I pointed out that as a result of his accident, many people were galvanized toward acting together, as a community and found that in doing so, they had been surprised to discover unexpected personal benefits. So, when you send a note, please remind him of what he has done and continues to do, or influence in your life. Henry has spent a lifetime in giving: his books are out there in the public domain, because that's the way he sees his work: as a gift to others. Now in his time of need, he is reaping the benefits of what we call the law of attraction, the `Secret' is this: Give and you shall receive. If you would like to share a memory or insight of Henry's influence in your life, or if you have a photo of him from a class, please contact: dancleary@juno.com and put 'HENRY' in the subject line. Even a simple greeting card (no 'Get Well' cards please, send something funny. Henry is healing and laughter is the best medicine!) will help to bring a bit of sunshine. We are acceptting donations to assist in Henry's recovery. All funds we receive will go directly to Henry. Start the flow today, send whatever you can, either to: HELPING HANDS FOR HENRY c/o Dan Cleary, P.O. Box 14784, North Palm Beach, FL 33408, or directly to Henry Bolduc at: P.O. Box 88, Independence, VA 24348. (checks should be made to Joan Bolduc) You can also donate through Paypal on our Website: http://danclearyhypnosis.com/allstarsteam/henrybolduc.html In addition, we have some products available that have been donated to benefit Henry. The prices listed are suggestions: Email to be certain of availability, make an offer and then send the agreed amount through the DONATE button and we'll send it. Please respect Henry's privacy and understand that individual responses to your cards and letters may not be possible so that Henry can focus his energy for healing. With this in mind, please take a moment now, to send Henry prayers or energy for healing. Henry Bolduc will be presenting two programs at the NGH conference in Marlborough, MA, August 8-10. His topics are: HOLISTIC HYPNOSIS - Journey to the Higher Mind, (NGH #12111) and HYPNOSIS PAST-LIFE REGRESSION - A Guided Session, (NGH # 32106) If you are planning to attend the conference, sign up soon for his classes, I know they will fill early. Pass this along to others you know who care. Thank you all, In peace, Dan Cleary, for the Transformation-All-Stars Team www.transformationallstars.com You are the Stars Together as a Team We Shine!Yahoo! Groups Links